Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 1934

I went to Sunday school today by myself. Mother didn't feel well enough to go. It rained hard tonight. Read and studied. Ruth Ray and Nadine down.

Howard Robard Hughes, Jr. (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976)

An American business magnate, investor, aviator, aerospace engineer, film maker and philanthropist, Hughes was one of the wealthiest people in the world. As a maverick film producer, he gained prominence in Hollywood from the late 1920s, making big-budget and often, controversial films like The Racket (1928), Hell's Angels (1930), Scarface (1932) and The Outlaw (1943).

 Hughes was one of the most influential aviators in history: he set multiple world air speed records, built the Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 "Hercules" (better known to history as the "Spruce Goose" aircraft), and acquired and expanded Trans World Airlines, which would later on merge with American Airlines. Hughes is also remembered for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle in later life, caused in part by a worsening obsessive–compulsive disorder and chronic pain. His legacy is maintained through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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