Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday, December 21, 1933

I walked to school with Nadine and Pauline. Fred got burned and was taken to the hospital. I stayed at Mrs. Raifert's.

Flying Down to Rio Poster
Flying Down to Rio - Premiered at Radio City Music Hall
Starring Dolores Del Rio, Gene Raymond and Raul Roulien
Director: Thornton Freeland
Genre(s): Comedy, Musical Romance
Run time: 89 minutes

Plot Summary:

Aviator and band leader Roger Bond is forever getting his group fired for flirting with the lady guests. When he falls for Brazilian beauty Belinha de Rezende it appears to be for real, even though she is already engaged. His Yankee Clippers band is hired to open the new Hotel Atlântico in Rio and Roger offers to fly Belinha part way home. After a mechanical breakdown and forced landing, Roger is confident and makes his move, but Belinha plays hard to get. She can't seem to decide between Roger and her fiance Júlio. When performing the airborne production number to mark the Hotel's opening, Júlio gets some intriguing ideas...

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