Sunday, February 5, 2012

Monday, February 5, 1934

Walked to school with Pauline. Came home early. Went over to Gweyn's. Fixed my brown dress.

Huey Pierce Long, Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935)
Nickname: The Kingfish 1928-1932
40th Governor of Louisiana
U.S. Senator: 1932-1935
"People of America: In every community get together at once and organize a share-our-
wealth society--Motto: Every man a king"

During his three brief years in the U.S. Senate, Huey Long became one of the most flamboyant
and provocative Senators in the nation's history. He earned the enmity of his fellow Senators
due to his frequent use of the filibuster to make some "point of principle" about which he was
especially passionate, and due to his not infrequent habit of casting aspersions on the character
 of his fellow Senators. But the floor of the Senate gave Huey Long what he prized most, a bully
pulpit from which to expound his views. He used this opportunity to the fullest--taking the Senate
floor on February 5, 1934 to place in the official record his arguments for his Share The Wealth
program, and to proselytize for his general world-view. The speeches delivered he delivered during
 1934 and 1935 make his case that the nation is in a mess and that his Share The Wealth program is
the solution.

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