Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wednesday, November 29, 1933

Daddy took us to school. I went swimming. Had assembly. History test. Stayed at Mrs. Raifert's.

Posted by Oleander
Sinti & Roma
Victims of the Nazi Era, 1933-1945

A Bavarian law of July 16, 1926, outlined measures for "Combatting Gypsies,
Vagabonds, and the Work Shy" and required the systematic registration of all
Sinti and Roma. The law prohibited Gypsies from "roam[ing] in bands," and
those "[Gypsies] unable to prove regular employment" risked being sent to forced
labor for up to two years. This law became the national norm in 1929.

Between 1933 and 1945 Sinti and Roma ("Gypsies") suffered greatly
as victims of Nazi persecution and genocide. Building on long-hel
prejudices, the Nazi regime viewed Gypsies both as "asocials" (outside
"normal" society) and as racial "inferiors" - believed to threaten the
biological purity and strength of the "superior Aryan" race. During
World War II, the Nazis and their collaborators killed tens of thousands
of Sinti and Roma men, women, and children across German-occupied Europe.


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